Category: U
A projecting part of the cerebral hemisphere, shaped like a hook. Hook-shaped structure, esp. that projecting from the lower surface of the cerebral hemispheres. Any hook-shaped structure, especially a projection of the lower surface of the cerebral hemisphere that is composed of cortex belonging to the temporal lobe. A structure resembling a hook. A distinct…
Not working together.
Not able to be controlled.
The state of being unconscious, e.g. as a result of lack of oxygen or from some other external cause such as a blow on the head. State of complete or partial unawareness of the surroundings and lack of response to sensory stimuli. It may be caused by many conditions, including shock; lack of respiratory efficiency;…
Uncinate epilepsy
A type of temporal lobe epilepsy, in which the person has hallucinations of smell and taste.
Unciform bone
One of the eight small carpal bones in the wrist, shaped like a hook. A bone with a hook-like shape located in the second row of the carpal bones of the wrist, also known as the hamate bone.
To remove something which is blocking.
Without any help.
Umbilical region
The central part of the abdomen, below the epigastrium.
Umbilical hernia
A hernia which bulges at the navel, usually in young children. A pushing out of the abdominal wall because of weakness near the navel, a condition common among infants that also sometimes occurs in women after childbirth. Protrusion of the intestine and omentum through a weakness in the abdominal wan near the umbilicus; it often…