Category: U
A condition in which urates are present in the blood, e.g. in gout.
Upside-down stomach
A pyrimidine base, one of the four bases in RNA in which it pairs with thymine.
Upside down
With the top turned to the bottom.
A slight illness.
Upper respiratory infection
An infection in the upper part of the respiratory system. An imprecise term for any infection involving the nasal passages, pharynx, and bronchi. The cause is usually bacterial or viral, and, occasionally, fungal.
Upper motor neurone
A neurone which takes impulses from the cerebral cortex. A neuron that starts in the motor region of the brain and ends in the motor nuclei of a cerebral nerve or in the central grey column of the spinal cord.
Upper limb
An arm.
Upper arm
The part of the arm from the shoulder to the elbow.
At the top, higher.
Unwanted pregnancy
A condition in which a woman becomes pregnant without wanting to have a child.