Category: U

  • Uncompensated care

    Care for which no payment is expected or no charge is made.  

  • Uveoparotitis

    Inflammation of the iris, ciliary body, and choroid regions of the eye (the uvea) and swelling of the parotid salivary gland: one of the more common varieties of the chronic disease sarcoidosis.  

  • Uterosalpingography

    Radiography of the interior of the womb and the fallopian tubes following injection of a radio-opaque fluid.  

  • Urogenital sinus

    The duct in the embryo that receives the ureter and mesonephric and paramesonephric ducts and opens to the exterior. The innermost portion forms most of the bladder and the remainder forms the urethra with its associated glands. Part of it may also contribute to the vagina. A duct into which, in the embryo, the wolffian…

  • Uricosuric drug

    A drug, such as probenecid or sulfinpyrazone, that increases the amount of uric acid excreted in the urine. Uricosuric drugs are used to treat gout and other conditions in which the levels of uric acid in the blood are increased, as during treatment with some diuretics. Uricosuric drugs are sometimes administered with certain antibiotics (such…

  • Urethrorrhea

    A discharge from the urethra. This is a symptom of urethritis. Surgical stitching or restoration of the urethra.  

  • Ureterosigmoidostomy

    The operation of implanting the ureters into the sigmoid colon. This method of permanent urinary diversion may be used after cystectomy or to bypass a diseased or damaged bladder. The urine is passed together with the feces, and continence depends upon a normal anal sphincter. The main advantage of this form of diversion is the…

  • Uramustine

    A cytotoxic drug used in the treatment of various forms of cancer, particularly chronic lymphatic leukemia. It is administered by intravenous injection and is highly toxic; common side-effects are nausea, vomiting and diarrhea, and depression of bone marrow function.  

  • Uncinate fits

    A form of temporal lobe epilepsy in which hallucinations of taste and smell and inappropriate chewing movements are prominent features. A type of temporal lobe epilepsy in which a patient has a hallucination of smell or of taste; it may also be the result of a tumour pressing on that part of the brain concerned…

  • Ultraviolet rays

    Invisible short-wavelength radiation beyond the violet end of the visible spectrum. Sunlight contains ultraviolet rays, which are responsible for the production of both suntan and, on overexposure, sunburn. The dust and gases of the earth’s atmosphere absorb most of the ultraviolet rays in sunlight. If this did not happen, the intense ultraviolet radiation from the…