Category: U
Uterine hemorrhage
Hemorrhage into the cavity of the uterus. The three types of pathologic uterine hemorrhage are essential uterine hemorrhage (metropathia haemorrhagica), which occurs with pelvic, uterine, or cervical diseases; intrapartum hemorrhage, which occurs during labor; and postpartum hemorrhage, which occurs after the third stage of labor. The last may be caused by rupture, lacerations, relaxation of…
Urethral hematuria
Urinary bleeding that may result from urethral trauma, surgery, adenomas, or other lesions of the lower urinary tract. The voided urine usually is bright red at the onset of urination and more dilute in appearance as the stream continues.
Urethral groove
The groove on the caudal surface of the genital tubercle or phallus bordered by the urethral folds. The latter close, transforming the groove into the cavernous urethra.
Ultraviolet transmitting glass
Glass designed to admit ultraviolet radiation through it. It transmits about half of the solar radiation, between the wavelengths of 290 and 320 nm.
Urethral gland
One of the tubular glands in the endometrium.
Unicellular gland
Mucus-secreting cells present in columnar or pseudostratified columnar epithelial tissue layers. They are called goblet cells.
Uterotubal gestation
Pregnancy in which the ovum develops partially in the uterine end of the fallopian tube and partially within the cavity of the uterus,
Unit of force
An arbitrary measure of a certain amount of force. For example, a dyne is the amount of force acting continuously on a mass of 1 g that will accelerate the mass 1 cm per second.
Umbilical fistula
An abnormal congenital passageway between the umbilicus and the gut. It is usually due to non-closure of the urachal duct.
Umbilical fissure
The anterior portion of the longitudinal fissure of the liver. It contains the round ligament, the obliterated umbilical vein.