Category: U
Umbilical ring
The opening in the linea alba of the embryo through which the umbilical vessels pass.
Urogenital ridge
A ridge on the dorsal wall of the coelom that gives rise to the genital and mesonephric ridges.
Uterine retraction
The process by which the muscular fibers of the uterus remain permanently shortened to a small degree following each contraction or labor pain.
Uterine repositor
A lever for replacing the uterus when it is out of normal position.
Unstrained jaw relation
The position of the jaw during normal tonus of all the jaw muscles.
Urinary reflex
The spinal cord reflex, initiated by accumulated urine stretching the bladder and the resulting contraction of the bladder to expel urine. The urge to urinate caused by the accumulation of urine in the bladder.
Umbilical recess
A dilatation on the left main branch of the portal vein that marks the position where the umbilical vein was originally attached.
Unequal pulse
A pulse in which beats vary in force.
Undulating pulse
A pulse that seems to have several successive waves.
Uncinate process of the ethmoid bone
A sickle-shaped bony process on the medial wall of the ethmoidal labyrinth below the concha.