Category: T
Roasting or parching something, especially a drug, to dry it. Desiccating or dehydrating through the use of intense heat, akin to baking or toasting.
A pressure quantity equivalent to 1/760 of standard atmospheric pressure; for most practical purposes, this equals 1 mm Hg.
Torg ratio
The relationship between the diameter of the spinal canal and the corresponding vertebral body. The Torg ratio is calculated through radiographical or MRI measurement by dividing the sagittal diameter of the canal by the diameter of the vertebral body. Studies have indicated that lower ratios correspond to higher risk of spinal cord injury in American…
Torcular herophili
The confluence of cranial venous sinuses at the internal occipital protuberance of the skull.
A device for measuring local temperature sense.
Nomenclature of the regions of the body. The terminology related to the placement of organs within the body.
Topographic memory
The ability to recall the contours, design, shape, or structure of a previously experienced environment. The ability to hold in the mind a map of a person, place, or thing.
Topographical disorientation
Difficulty finding one’s way from one location to another or navigating from a starting point to a destination. This disorder of visuospatial skills is sometimes present in patients who have had a stroke affecting the posterior portions of the brain; it is also common in some dementias (e.g., Alzheimer’s disease).
Topographical anatomy
A study of all the structures and their relationships in a given region (e.g., the axilla). Study of a specific body part in relation to its surrounding structures.
Recognition of the location of a tactile sensation.