Category: T
Protrusion of mucous membrane through the wall of the trachea.
Inspection of the trachea and bronchi through a bronchoscope.
Congenitally enlarged size of the trachea and bronchi.
Hernia or cyst of the trachea containing air.
Surgical fixation of the cervix uteri to an adjacent part.
Scientific study of the neck, its diseases, and its injuries.
Inflammation of the mucous membrane of the cervix uteri. Inflammation of the cervix, also known as cervicitis.
Tracheal tickle
A maneuver designed to elicit a reflex cough.
A muscle composed of smooth muscle fibers that extends between the ends of the tracheal rings. Its contraction reduces the size of the lumen.
Tracheal gas insufflation
A ventilatory technique to reduce accumulated carbon dioxide in the central airways and improve alveolar ventilation while decreasing ventilatory pressures and tidal volumes. Gas may be injected either continuously or through a catheter into the airways during a specific phase of the respiratory cycle.