Category: T
Trailing zero
A zero that follows a decimal point, e.g., “lisinopril 5.0 grams orally twice a day.” Trailing zeros appear on the Joint Commission on the Accreditation of Hospitals (JCAHO)“Do not use” list.
A bleating sound heard in auscultation at the level of fluid in hydrothorax.
Odorous perspiration (bromidrosis) of the axilla.
An anthropometric point at the upper margin of the tragus of the ear.
The muscle on the outer surface of the tragus.
Trager work
A form of massage therapy that involves rhythmic manipulations of the body, combined with mental gymnastics.
The dried gummy exudation from the plant Astragalus gummifer and related species, grown in Asia. It is used in the form of mucilage, as a greaseless lubricant, and as an application for chapped skin.
Traditional birth attendant
A person, especially one in a developing country, who assists a woman during labor and delivery with skills learned by apprenticeship or personal experience rather than by formal training,
The name used to market a formally licensed drug or treatment.
Any device or instrument for applying traction.