Category: T
Transport protein
One of the proteins important in transporting materials such as hormones from their site of origin to the site of cellular action and metabolism.
Transporter associated with antigen processing
An intracellular protein that carries antigens to the endoplasmic reticulum of cells, where the antigens may be transformed for presentation.
Transportation of the injured
The process of moving an injured person to a hospital or other treatment center. In serious injuries such as cranial and spinal trauma, airway compromise, and hemorrhage, the patient should be moved by properly trained support personnel with equipment to stabilize vital structures and prevent further injury. In particular, the airway should be secured, ventilation…
Tandem transplantation
The use of sequential bone marrow transplants to treat cancer. An initial autologous transplant is followed by a second, e.g., if remission is not achieved after the first transplant.
The exchange of phosphate groups from one compound to another.
An enzyme that catalyzes the transfer of a phosphate group from one compound to another.\
An enzyme that catalyzes the transfer of a peptide from one compound to another.
Transovarial passage
The passage of infectious or toxic agents into the ovary, a process that might invade and infect the oocytes.
The transmission of sounds through an organ, as heart sounds through the lungs and chest wall.
Transnasal tube
A tube passed through the nose into the gastrointestinal tract for feeding.