Category: T
Having an atomic number that is greater than 92 (i.e., one greater than the atomic number of uranium). Examples of transuranic elements are neptunium and plutonium.
The process of replacing one tissue for another.
Transtympanic neurectomy
Surgical interruption of the parasympathetic nerve supply to the parotid and submandibular glands by bilateral sectioning of the tympanic and chorda tympani nerves. The technique was developed in the 1980s to treat excessive drooling, especially in mentally retarded children.
Transtracheal jet insufflation
The life saving technique of ventilating a patient with a complete airway obstruction. A small catheter is placed via a cricothyroid puncture and attached to a pressure-controlled oxygen outlet via a one-way valve.
A normal serum prealbumin protein that binds and transports thyroxine (T4). Mutations in TTR can result in the protein’s being deposited as amyloid in various organs.
The operation of incising across the thorax.
To the passage of an infection from one developmental stage of an organism to another, e.g., from the larval to the nymph stage or from the nymph to the adult. Some important infections transmitted to humans from parasitized arthropods are acquired by the arthropod when it is immature and then are passed transtadially to more…
Transsexual surgery
Surgical therapy for alteration of the anatomical sex of an individual whose psychological gender is not consistent with the anatomical sexual characteristics.
The form of retinal created when light strikes the retina. It separates from the opsin of the photopigment (rhodopsin in rods), which is then said to be bleached.
To change places (e.g., moving the insertion of a muscle or ligament to another site).