Category: T
A device for administering vibratory massage.
Easily destroyed or inactivated by shaking; said of an enzyme.
A condition resulting from ingestion of plants such as snakeroot (Eupatorium urticaefolium) or jimmyweed (Haplopappus heterophyllus). The condition is common in domestic animals and may occur in humans as a result of ingesting the plants or more commonly from drinking milk or eating the meat of poisoned animals. Symptoms are weakness, anorexia, nausea and vomiting,…
Infestation with a trematode.
A class of flatworms commonly called flukes belonging to the phylum Platyhelminthes. It includes two orders: Monogenea, which are external or semiextemal parasites having direct development with no asexual multiplication, and Digenea, internal parasites with asexual generation in their life cycle. The Digenea usually require two or more hosts, the hosts alternating.
The enzyme that cleaves the bond between glucose molecules in the disaccharide, trehalose.
A commonly used abbreviation for a regulatory T cell (i.e., a T lymphocyte that alters or controls the activity of other T cells).
Tree nut
Any of several nuts, e.g., almonds, cashews, pecans, or walnuts, or the peanut (a legume). They are among the most common sources of food allergy.
Treatment card
In dentistry a specially formatted card or file summarizing a patient’s dental care.
A conveyor belt for walking or running in place; the speed of movement and angle of inclination can be varied during tests of cardiopulmonary health and conditioning.