Category: T

  • Triangle of petit

    The space above the hip bone between the exterior oblique muscle, the latissimus dorsi, and the interior oblique muscle.  

  • Triage telephone

    Use of the telephone or other means of communication to assess a patient’s health status and to recommend treatment or provide appropriate referrals. It is used, e.g., in emergency departments and the offices of primary care providers to facilitate the outpatient management of common, simple health-related problems.  

  • Triacidic

    Containing three acidic hydrogen ions.  

  • Triacetate

    Any acetate that contains three acetic acid groups.  

  • Trepopnea

    The condition of being able to breathe with less difficulty when in a certain position.  

  • Treponemataceae

    A family of spiral organisms belonging to the order Spirochaetales; that in eludes the genera Borrelia, Leptospira, and Treponema.  

  • Treponema endemicum

    The causative agent of bejel, a nonvenereal, endemic form of syphilis. It often affects the skin, bones, and oral mucous membranes.  

  • Trendelenburg test

    A test to evaluate the strength of the gluteus medius muscle. The examiner stands behind the patient and observes the pelvis as the patient stands on one leg and then the other. A positive result determines muscle weakness on the standing leg side when the pelvis tilts down on the opposite side. A examination employed…

  • Trendelenburg gait

    A side lurching of the trunk over the stance leg due to weakness in the gluteus medius muscle.  

  • Trend

    The inclination to proceed in a certain direction or at a certain rate; used to describe the prognosis or course of a symptom or disease.