Category: T
A cell structure derived from cytoplasm.
A benign tumor of the outer root sheath epithelium of a hair follicle.
Pain caused by touching or moving the hair.
Triceps skin fold
The thickness of the skin including subcutaneous fat as measured on the skin over the triceps muscle of the arm. Comparison of the value obtained from a patient to standard values helps to provide an estimate of body fat. It is used in assessing and documenting both malnutrition and obesity.
A compound having three atoms of bromine in the molecule.
Luminescence or sparks produced by friction or mechanical force applied to certain chemical crystals.
The study of the effect of friction on the body, especially the articulating joints.
Tribasilar synostosis
A condition resulting from the premature fusion of three skull bones — the occipital, sphenoid, and temporal. This results in arrested cerebral development and mental deficiency.
Capable of neutralizing or accepting three hydrogen ions.
In qualitative research, a technique for enhancing the validity of the data gained from investigative research by comparing or synthesizing information gathered from more than one study. The process whereby two people in dispute pull in a third person.