Category: T
Trifurcation involvement
The extension of periodontitis or a periodontal pocket into an area where the tooth roots divide.
Trifolium pretense
The scientific name for red clover, an herbal remedy containing phytoestrogens. Despite its estrogenic chemistry it is not an effective treatment for hot flashes occurring in menopause.
Having three convergence points, as in a trifocal lens.
An instrument with three branches for removing bullets or other foreign bodies from wounds.
A teratoid growth containing all three germ layers.
Tricuspid tooth
A tooth with a crown that has three cusps.
Tricuspid orifice
Right atrioventricular cardiac aperture.
Tricuspid area
The lower portion of the body of the sternum where sounds of the right atrioventricular orifice are best heard.
The condition of being tricrotic. The characteristic of being tricrotic.
A condition in which three accentuated waves or notches occur with each pulse. Having three waves for every single pulse beat.