Category: T
Discharge from the eustachian tube.
Transcervical balloon tuboplasty
Catheterization and dilation of the fallopian tubes, a method of treating infertility in women whose fallopian tubes are occluded proximally. A balloon catheter is inserted through the cervical os of the uterus and into the fallopian tube to the point of occlusion in the tube. The balloon is then expanded by filling it with sterile…
Inflammation of the ovary and fallopian tube.
A condition in which nodules develop; a nonspecific term that indicates no specific disease process.
A small knot or nodule; a tubercle.
Arresting the growth of the tubercle bacillus.
Anything that destroys Mycobacterium tuberculosis.
Tuberculin tine test
A tuberculin test performed with a special disposable instrument that contains multiple sharp points or prongs for piercing the skin. The tines penetrate the skin and introduce the tuberculin applied to them. The test is read in 48 to 72 hr. The tine test has largely been replaced by testing with an intradermal injection of…
Tubercle of the upper lip
The prominence of the upper part of the vermilion border that represents the distal termination of the philtrum of the upper lip.
Tubeless test
A colloquial term for a test of gastrointestinal CGI) function that does not rely on the use of an endoscope. Thus there is no direct entrance into or visualization of the GI tract.