Category: T

  • Telogen phase

    The final phase in the hair cycle that lasts until the fully grown hair is shed.  

  • Type B

    An individual displaying no sense of time urgency, no hostility, non competitiveness, patience, and a secure sense of self-esteem. A relaxed, easy-going behavior pattern; the opposite of the Type A behavior pattern.  

  • Type A

    An individual exhibiting a sense of time urgency (“hurry sickness”), aggressiveness, and competitiveness, usually combined with hostility. Describes the majority of Americans. A behavior pattern characterized by an exaggerated sense of time urgency, competitiveness, hostility, and an inordinate drive that Friedman and Rosenman proposed as a predictor of coronary heart disease.  

  • Trigger lock

    A device that helps prevent a gun from being fired.  

  • Type C personality

    Type C personality (and/or Type C behavior) is a Type A personality who has stress-resistant, “hardiness” traits and thus is not prone to the deleterious effects of stress, even though he or she lives a highly stressed life. Type Cs have five common traits called the Five Cs (control, commitment, challenge, choices in lifestyle, and…

  • Transtheoretical model of behavior change

    Transtheoretical model of behavior change is a five-stage progression that one passes through on the way to making a permanent lifestyle change. The five stages are precontemplation, contemplation, preparation, action, and maintenance.  

  • Trace mineral

    Trace minerals are minerals needed in small amounts. Examples are iron, zinc, copper, iodine, and fluoride. Minerals that the body demands in quantities of 100 mg or less per diem, or that exist in a proportion of 0.01% or less of the body’s overall mass.  

  • Three-segment workout

    Three-segment workout is the recommended pattern for exercise workouts. It should include a warm-up, conditioning bout, and cool-down,  

  • Task specific activity

    Task specific activity is an exercise (or activity) using the same muscles that will be used in the conditioning bout. Warm-up and cool-down should be task specific. For example, if you jog during the conditioning bout, a period of jogging at a lower intensity should precede (warm-up) and follow (cooldown).  

  • The velikovsky affair

    The controversy that arose from the works of Immanuel Velikovsky beginning with his Worlds in Collision, published in 1950. Velikovsky argued in long and scholarly works that Earth was subject to violent catastrophes in historical times and that evidence of these can be found in the myths and legends of all cultures, as well as…