Category: T
Tangent screen
A simple device used in perimetry to test the central portion of the visual field.
Tipped scapula
A condition in which the inferior angle of the scapula is prominent, usually the result of faulty posture and a tight pectoralis minor muscle. Tipping is a normal motion when a person reaches with the hand behind the back.
Tooth rotation
The repositioning of a tooth by turning it on its long axis to a more normal occlusal position.
Teething ring
Any relatively soft object on which an infant may chew to relieve discomfort during the eruption of teeth. Teething rings and other teething devices small enough to be inhaled by an infant should never be used.
Tigroid retina
A retina having a spotted or striped appearance, seen in retinitis pigmentosa.
Tissue restoration
Biologically compatible materials used to replace missing body parts or to provide a scaffolding into which cells may grow and regenerate themselves.
Temporary restoration
A temporary dental filling, bridge, crown or retainer, made, e.g., from zinc oxide, stainless steel, aluminum, resin, or cements. Temporary restorations are designed to last from days to years after placement.
Triple response
The three phases of vasomotor reactions that occur when a sharp object is drawn across the skin. In order of appearance, these are red reaction, flare or spreading flush, and wheal.
Thoracic respiration
Respiration performed entirely by expansion of the chest when the abdomen does not move. It is seen when the peritoneum or diaphragm is inflamed, when the abdominal cavity is restricted by tight bandages or clothes, or during abdominal surgery.
Tympanitic resonance
The resonance obtained by percussion of a hollow structure, such as the stomach or colon, when it is moderately distended with air.