Category: T
Tenodesis splint
Orthosis fabricated to allow pinch and grasp movements through use of wrist extensors. Also called wrist-driven flexor hinge hand splint.
Temporary removable splint
One of a variety of splints used for temporary or intermittent support and stabilization of the teeth.
Typhoid spine
An acute arthritis due to infection causing spinal ankylosis during or following typhoid fever.
Telegraphic speech
Non-fluent or halting speech, in which some nouns or verbs are uttered but other elements of normal sentence structure are replaced by pauses or gaps. This type of aphasia is a hallmark of Broca’s aphasia.
Tandem mass spectrometry
An analytical device that can rapidly assess the biochemical makeup of hundreds of specimens by measuring the mass-to-charge ratio of molecules.
Torsion spasm
A spasm characterized by a turning of a part, especially the turning of the body at the pelvis.
Tonic spasm
Continued involuntary contractions.
Tetanic spasm
A spasm in which contractions occur repeatedly and without interruption.
Tissue space
Any space within tissues not lined with epithelium and containing tissue fluid.
Thenar space
A deep fascial space in the hand lying anterior to the adductor pollicis muscle.