Category: T
A medicated mass of material formed into a small disk.
An epidemic louse-borne typhus fever occurring in parts of Mexico.
A culture-bound illness specific to the West Indies in which men who are abandoned by their wives become severely depressed and may commit suicide.
A family of insects belonging to the order Diptera. It includes horseflies, gadflies, deer flies, and mango flies, all bloodsucking insects that attack humans and other warm-blooded animals. These flies are of medical importance because they are vectors of the filarial worm Loa loa, tularemia, and other diseases.
A member of the dipterous family Tabanidae.
Total synechia
An adhesion of the entire surface of the iris to the lens.
Tussive syncope
Fainting following a paroxysm of coughing.
Twisted suture
A suture in which pins are passed through the opposite lips of a wound and material is wound about the pins, crossing them first at one end and then at the other in a figure-of-eight fashion, thus holding the lips of the wound firmly together.
Tension suture
A suture used to reduce the pull on the edges of a wound.
Temporoparietal suture
The suture between the temporal and parietal bones.