Category: T

  • Tagging

    Introduction of a radioactive isotope into a molecule in order to distinguish the molecule from others without that “tag.”  

  • Taeniform

    Having the structure of, or resembling, a tapeworm.  

  • Taenia solium

    A tapeworm whose larvae live in hogs; its scolex possesses a row of hooks about the rostellum. The adult worm lives in the small intestine of humans, who acquire it by eating insufficiently cooked pork. Adult worms may take up residence in the intestine, depriving the host of food. Larval forms of T. solium may…

  • Taenia saginata

    A tapeworm whose larvae live in cattle. The adult worm lives in the small intestine of humans, who acquire it by eating insufficiently cooked beef infested with the encysted larval form (cysticercus or bladderworm). Adult worms may reach a length of 15 to 20 ft (4.6 to 6. 1 m) or longer.  

  • Tactometer

    An instrument for determining the acuity of tactile sensitiveness.  

  • Tactile system

    That portion of the nervous system concerned with the sensation of touch. It includes sensory nerve endings (Meissner’s corpuscles, Merkel’s tactile disks, hair-root endings), afferent nerve fibers, conducting pathways in the cord and brain, and the sensory area of the parietal lobe of the cerebral cortex.  

  • Tactile localization

    An individual’s ability to accurately identify the site of tactile stimulation (touch, pressure, or pain). Tactile localization is often tested in sensory evaluations following disease or trauma of the nervous system.  

  • Tactile discrimination

    The ability to localize two points of pressure on the surface of the skin and to identify them as discrete sensations.  

  • Tactile defensiveness

    Behaviors such as avoidance or withdrawal in response to being touched by another person. These defensive reactions are seen most often in children with autism or related disorders.  

  • Tractical emergency medical support

    Specially trained emergency medical staff who support law enforcement officials during out-of-hospital operations.