Category: T

  • Talipes equinus

    Talipes in which the foot is plantar flexed and the person walks on the toes. Clubfoot where the foot is curved downwards.  

  • Talipes calcaneus

    Talipes in which the foot is dorsiflexed and the heel alone touches the ground, causing the patient to walk on the inner side of the heel. It often follows infantile paralysis of the calf muscles. Clubfoot where both the ankle and foot are curved upwards.  

  • Talipes arcuatus

    Talipes in which there is an exaggerated medial arch of the foot.  

  • Talcosis

    Any disease caused by the inhalation or injection of talc. The lungs are often affected.  

  • Talar tilt test

    An orthopedic test used to determine the collateral stability of the ankle joint. The amount of laxity in the affected ankle is determined relative to the laxity in the uninvolved limb.  

  • Talalgia

    Pain in the heel or ankle. Discomfort in the heel or ankle. Pain that manifests at a location away from its actual cause or source. For example, a condition applying pressure to the spinal nerve roots in the lower back might lead to pain in the leg or foot.  

  • Taipan snake venom time

    A test used to determine the presence of lupus anticoagulant in a blood specimen. The test relies on the mixing of venom from snakes of the genus Oxyuranus with dilute phospholipid and can be used even in patients receiving warfarin anticoagulation.  

  • Taint

    To spoil or cause putrefaction, as in tainted meat.  

  • Tail

    The long end of a structure, such as the extremity of the spinal column or the final segments of a polypeptide or nucleic acid.  

  • Tahyna virus

    A European arbovirus of the Bunyaviridae family. It is transmitted to humans by mosquito bite and causes fevers, respiratory illnesses, encephalitis, and meningitis.