Category: T
Tamoxifen citrate
An antiestrogenic drug used in treating and preventing breast cancer.
Tamm-horsfall mucoprotein
A normal mucoprotein in the urine, produced by the ascending limb of the loop of Henle. When this protein is concentrated at low pH, it forms gel, which may protect the kidney from infection by bacteria.
The crushing region, the posterior or heel part, of a lower molar tooth.
Talon noir
Minute black areas on the heels (or less often the toes or hands) caused by repetitive injuries that produce hemorrhage into the skin.
The claw of a bird of prey.
Talocrural articulation
The ankle joint; a ginglymoid or hinge joint.
A deformity of the hand in which it is twisted out of position. Clubhand, a malformation akin to clubfoot.
Talipes varus
Talipes in which the heel is turned inward from the midline of the leg. Clubfoot where the foot is twisted and directed inwards.
Talipes valgus
Talipes in which the heel and foot are turned outward. Clubfoot where the foot is twisted and pointed outwards.
Talipes percavus
Talipes in which there is excessive plantar curvature.