Category: T
A machine or device operated by a person at a distance. Such a machine allows tasks to be done deep in the ocean or on orbiting satellites, and allows radioactive materials to be manipulated without danger of exposure to the radioactivity.
The concept that, in an organism or animal, the existence of a structure, capability, or function indicates that it had survival value.
The sexual state of a fungus (the state in which two fungal nuclei unite and undergo meiosis, forming offspring with new genetic information). Fungi that have teleomorphic states are said to be “perfect” fungi. Fungi that reproduce asexually are said to be “imperfect.”
The evolution of the cerebrum as a control center for functions previously regulated by lower nerve centers.
An electronic device used to transmit information to a distant point.
The use of telecommunications equipment and/or networks to transfer health care information among participants at different locations. Aspects of telehealth include teleradiology (the transmission of radiological images from one site to another), telemedicine (consultation by physicians at a distance), telenursing, and teledermatology.
The transmission of fluoroscopic images by electronic means.
Concerning the last phase of the diastole.
Teledendron teledendrite
One of the terminal processes of an axon. Diagnosis made on the basis of data transmitted electronically to the physician’s location.
Holding a meeting with people at different geographic locations by means of telecommunication devices. Teleconferencing is accomplished with high-speed telephone connections, satellite links, or desktop computer videoconference software.