Category: T

  • Tellurium

    A brittle, silvery-white element used primarily in alloys and as a semiconductor; atomic weight, 127.60; atomic number, 52; specific gravity, 6.24.  

  • Tellurism

    The unproven and vague concept that emanations from the earth cause disease.  

  • Telethonin

    A 19kD protein found in the Z disk of striated and cardiac muscle. Mutations in the gene for telethonin result in altered sarcomeres and some forms of muscular dystrophy.  

  • Telesurgery

    Surgery performed from a remote location, using robotically controlled instruments. Visual, auditory, tactile, and other feedback is provided electronically to the surgeon.  

  • Teleradium

    A radium source distant from the area being treated.  

  • Teleradiogram

    An x-ray image obtained by teleradiography.  

  • Telepresence

    Virtual attendance rather than physical attendance (i.e., the presence of a person or thing that is brought about by technological means such as telephone, video, or other electronic devices).  

  • Telephony

    Telephone technology, i.e., the electronic transmission of voice, fax, or other information between distant parties using a handheld device containing both a speaker or transmitter and a receiver.  

  • Teleotherapeutics

    The use of hypnotic suggestion in the treatment of disease.  

  • Teleopsia

    A visual disorder in which objects perceived in space have excessive depth or in which close objects appear far away.