Category: T

  • Tender loving care

    The concept of administering medical and nursing care and attention to a patient in a kindly, compassionate, and humane manner.  

  • Tenckhoff peritoneal dialysis catheter

    A large-bore, indwelling catheter used for continuous ambulatory peritoneal dialysis or peritoneal irrigation; it is inserted into the peritoneum through the abdominal wall.  

  • Tenascin-C

    A glycoprotein found in the extracellular matrix that influences embryological development, tissue remodeling, and angiogenesis in infectious, inflammatory, and malignant diseases.  

  • Tenascin

    A large glycoprotein expressed by normal embryonic cells during organogenesis, and by adult cells in inflammation, wound healing, and cancer.  

  • Tenacity

    Toughness, stubbornness, obstinacy, durability. The inherent characteristic of a sediment or buildup to withstand displacement from external forces such as erosion or other physical actions is commonly known as “cohesion.” This property allows the deposit to maintain its structure and stability even in the face of potentially damaging weathering events or other destabilizing factors.  

  • Tempostabile

    Descriptive of something, especially a chemical compound, that remains stable with the passage of time.  

  • Temporozygomatic

    Concerning the temporal and zygomatic bones.  

  • Temporoparietal

    Concerning the temporal and parietal bones.  

  • Temporo-occipital

    To the temporal and occipital bones of the skull or to the temporal and occipital lobes of the brain. Related to the areas of the temple and the back of the skull.  

  • Temporal-sequential organization

    The ability of a child to develop concepts of time and sequence. This function is localized in the left hemisphere of the brain. This ability is essential to the function of a child in daily activities concerned with routines such as telling time or following multistep directions. Skill in this function increases with age.