Category: T
A device for testing the tensile strength of materials.
Tension of gases
The partial pressure of gas in a mixture. In clinical applications this is usually measured in millimeters of mercury (mm Hg) or kilopascals (kPa).
Tissue tension
The theoretical state of equilibrium between the cells of a tissue.
A device for determining the surface tension of liquids. A tool used to measure the surface tension of liquids.
Tensilon test
A test used in the diagnosis of myasthenia gravis (MG). A short-acting anticholinesterase drug, such as edrophonium chloride or neostigmine, is injected, and the patient is observed for improved muscular strength. The patient is also observed after an injection of a placebo (e.g., saline). Improvement with the active drug, but not the placebo, is a…
Tenosynovitis hyperplastica
Painless swelling of extensor tendons over the wrist joint,
Suture of a partially or completely divided tendon.
In surgery, use of a tendon to support a structure.
A cartilaginous or osseous growth on a tendon. The development of bone within a tendon.
Plastic surgery of defective or injured tendons.