Category: T

  • Testotoxicosis

    Precocious puberty occurring in boys due to increased secretion of the male hormone, testosterone. Affected boys prematurely develop adult secondary sexual characteristics, increased height and muscle mass, and, in some instances, aggressive behavior.  

  • Testis compression reflex

    Contraction of abdominal muscles following moderate compression of a testis.    

  • Tertiary syphilis

    The third and most advanced stage of syphilis. The tertiary phase of syphilis.  

  • Tertiary gain

    The prolongation of an illness or the feigning of disability in order to benefit someone or some agency other than oneself.  

  • Terson’s syndrome

    Subarachnoid hemorrhage combined with subhyaloid hemorrhage.  

  • Terry’s nails

    An abnormal finding in the fingernails of patient with cirrhosis, right-side heart failure, or type 2 diabetes mellitus, in which the proximal nail bed turns white.  

  • Ternidens deminutus

    A nematode that is an intestinal parasite in primates.  

  • Terminology

    The vocabulary used in specific arts, sciences, technical endeavors, trades, or professions.  

  • Terminologia Anatomica

    The current official nomenclature for human anatomy. It was developed by the Federative Committee on Anatomical Terminology (FCAT) and the 56 Member Associations of the International Federation of Associations of Anatomists (IFAA) and was released in 1998, replacing the Nomina Anatomica, the earlier standard.  

  • Terminal weaning

    The gradual withdrawal of mechanical ventilation from a patient who is not expected to survive without respiratory support. It is similar to terminal extubation except that the withdrawal of support occurs incrementally, often over a span of several hours or days. At predetermined intervals the ventilatory rate is decreased and/or the fraction of inspired oxygen…