Category: T
Thermic sense
The temperature sense; ability to react to heat stimuli.
A device for determining sensibility to heat. A device employed for gauging heat sensitivity.
The capability of perceiving heat and cold; temperature sense. The ability to sense or detect heat.
An electric thermometer used to indicate temperature changes too slight to be measured on an ordinary thermometer.
The study of heat in the treatment of disease.
Neuralgia accompanied by an intense burning sensation, pain, redness, and sweating of the area involved.
An increase of body temperature by drug therapy or biological methods (e.g., in the past, injection of malarial parasites).
Therapy putty
The generic name for a malleable plastic material to provide resistance in various hand exercises.
The scientific name for the family of mildly venomous, hairy spiders known popularly as tarantulas.
Therapeutic misconception
The mistaken impression held by patients enrolled in medical research trials that the research in which they are participating will be beneficial to them personally, e.g., that the investigation gives them their last best hope of a cure.