Category: T

  • Three-glass test

    A test to identify the site of a urinary tract infection. On awakening, the patient empties the bladder by passing urine sequentially into three test tubes (glasses). The amount of cellular debris visible to the naked eye in the glasses helps to determine whether the infection is located in the anterior urethra, posterior urethra, or…

  • Thoron

    A radioactive isotope of radon having a half-fife of 51.5 sec; atomic weight, 220; atomic number, 86.  

  • Thorium

    A radioactive metallic element. Atomic weight, 232.038; atomic number, 90. At one time, it was used to outline blood vessels in radiography. A radioactive metal named after Thor, the Norse god of thunder, which is utilized to generate thorium X, a substance employed in the treatment of certain skin conditions.  

  • Thoracostomy tube

    A tube inserted into the pleural space via the chest wall to remove air or fluid present in the space.  

  • Thoracostenosis

    Narrowness of the thorax due to atrophy of trunk muscles. Pressing or squeezing of the chest walls.  

  • Thoracopneumoplasty

    Plastic surgery involving the chest and lung.  

  • Thoracopathy

    Any disease of the thorax, thoracic organs, or tissues.  

  • Thoracograph

    A device for plotting and recording the contour of the thorax and its change during inspiration and expiration.  

  • Thoracodelphus

    A deformed fetus with a single head and thorax, but four legs.  

  • Thoracoceloschisis

    A congenital fissure of the thoracic and abdominal cavities.