Category: T

  • Thumb sign

    Protrusion of the thumb across the palm and beyond the clenched fist; seen in Marfan’s syndrome.  

  • Tennis thumb

    Calcification and inflammation of the tendon of the flexor pollicis longus muscle owing to repeated irritation and stress while playing tennis.  

  • Thrypsis

    A fracture in which the bone is splintered or crushed.  

  • Thrust

    To move forward suddenly and forcibly, as in tongue thrust when the tongue is pushed against the teeth or alveolar ridge at the beginning of deglutition. This may cause open bite or malformed jaws.  

  • Throughput

    In hospital management, the sum of the services provided by a health care institution per unit of time. It includes the number of patients treated, admitted, and discharged; the total number of procedures performed; and the quantity of laboratory or radiological services rendered. It is a measure of institutional volume or capacity and a determinant…

  • Thrombotic

    Related to, caused by, or of the nature of a thrombus. Related to thrombosis.  

  • Thrombospondin

    A glycoprotein secreted by cells whose functions include the ability to prevent both cell-to-cell adhesion and angiogenesis. Thrombospondin is secreted by some parasites and may enhance their ability to cause disease. It is also found in malignant tumors, where it may block tumor growth and metastasis.  

  • Thrombosphere

    An albumin molecule bonded with fibrinogen. It may serve as a platelet substitute in patients with severe thrombocytopenia and impaired hemostasis.  

  • Traumatic thrombosis

    Thrombosis due to a wound or injury of a part.  

  • Thrombopoietin

    A growth factor that acts on the bone marrow to stimulate platelet production as well as the proliferation of other cell lines.