Category: T

  • Time use survey

    An inventory of the activities of a population of interest, used, e.g., to measure economic productivity, health risks, leisure pursuits, and traffic flow.  

  • Timer

    A device for measuring, signaling, recording, or otherwise indicating elapsed time. Various forms of timers are used in radiographic, surgical, and laboratory work. A device employed to establish the electrical circuitry of an x-ray apparatus, thereby enabling the generation of x-rays within a predetermined time frame.  

  • Time pressure

    The psychological stress that results from having to get things done in less time than is needed or desired.  

  • Time inventory

    A personal record of how time is used or managed by a patient or client. It provides a detailed outline of daily activities, including the subject’s primary and secondary activities, social interaction, and places where daily activities occur.  

  • Timed up-and-go test

    A test that measures mobility by assessing the time it takes for a person to rise from a chair, walk a measured distance, and turn around. The test is used to assess balance and gait, especially in the elderly.  

  • Time

    The interval between beginning and ending; measured duration. Its measurement and the effect it has on many aspects of human activity, the days, the seasons, the years, is important to everyone. Some aspect of this subject has engaged human attention throughout history and probably throughout prehistory. We experience it in our daily existence, through the…

  • Tiltometer

    A device for measuring the degree of tilt of a bed or operating table; used to determine which end of the spinal canal is lower when spinal anesthesia has been given.  

  • Tigroid bodies

    Masses of chromophil substance present in the cell bodies of neurons.  

  • Tigretier

    A dancing mania or form of tarantism caused by the bite of a poisonous spider, occurring in Tigre, Ethiopia.  

  • Tide

    Alternate rise and fall; a space of time.