Category: T
A condition characterized by excessive dryness, wrinkling, and scaling of skin sometimes seen in vitamin deficiencies. Dry and coarse skin linked to a lack of vitamin A in one’s diet.
An elastic protein in sarcomeres that anchors myosin filaments to the Z disks.
Turk’s irritation cell
A cell resembling a plasma cell, found in cases of severe anemia or chronic infection.
Titanium dioxide
A chemical used to protect the skin from the sun. It is also used in industrial applications to produce white in paints and plastics.
Tissue reaction
The response of living tissues to altered conditions or types of restorative materials, metals or cements.
Tissue processor
A device that prepares tissue samples for sectioning and microscopic examination in the clinical laboratory.
Tissue filler
Any substance used to smooth body contours, eliminate defects in body structure, or improve cosmesis.
Tissue air ratio
In radiation therapy, the ratio of the absorbed dose at a given depth to the absorbed dose at the same point in free space.
Tissue ablation
The coagulation, cooking, drying, or destruction of tissues, e.g., with cautery, chemicals, or thermotherapy.
Fastening wire around the fragments of a bone.