Category: T
Token economy system
Any program using positive reinforcement (operant conditioning) to teach or train desired skills or behaviors.
Cleansing of a wound after operation or of an obstetrical patient.
A family of RNA viruses that include the genus Alphavirus. They cause Western and Eastern equine encephalitis. Other Togaviridae include the rubiviruses (e.g., rubella virus).
Toe reflex
A reflex in which strong flexion of the great toe flexes all the muscles below the knee.
Toe clonus
Contraction of the big toe caused by sudden extension of the first phalanx.
A colloquial term for a child who has begun to walk but whose gait remains clumsy or unsteady.
Science of parturition and obstetrics.
A device for estimating and recording the force of uterine contractions.
A device for estimating the force of uterine contractions in labor.
A record obtained by using a tocodynamometer.