Category: T

  • Trifid tongue

    A tongue in which the anterior end is divided into three parts.  

  • Tonaphasia

    Inability to remember a tune owing to cerebral lesion. Inability to sing resulting from a brain disorder.  

  • Tomodensitometry

    A rarely used synonym for CT scanning.  

  • Tomatine

    A substance derived from tomato plants affected by wilt. It has antifungal action.  

  • Tolerogen

    Any substance that causes immunological tolerance; any substance that blocks or prevents an immune response to an antigen.  

  • Tolerant

    Capable of enduring or withstanding drugs without experiencing ill effects. The phenomenon of being able to withstand the effects of a pathogen or virus without exhibiting severe symptoms or damage is known as “tolerance”. Similarly, the capacity of an organism to endure the impact of a pathogenic factor or invasion by a pathogenic organism or…

  • Tolerance test

    A test of the ability of the patient or subject to endure the medicine given or exercise taken.  

  • Tissue tolerance

    The ability of specific tissues to withstand the effects of ionizing radiation.  

  • Tolerable upper limit

    The maximum amount of a mineral or vitamin supplement that a person may consume in a day without incurring health risk.  

  • Tolerable daily intake

    That quantity of a chemical contaminant that accidentally enters the food supply and may be consumed on a daily basis without known adverse effects on health.