Category: S
Scalloped implant
A root‐form implant design that has the level of the implantabutment junction elevated interproximally to accommodate the papilla–crestal bone relationship.
To shape, cut, or finish in scallops; segments or angular projections forming a border. A marine invertebrate with a dual shell featuring ridges that extend outward from a lower muscle hinge. In America, the muscle is typically regarded as the edible component and can be cooked in various manners. The shell is frequently utilized as…
Instrumentation of the crown and root surfaces of the teeth to remove plaque, calculus, and stains from these surfaces. A procedure for assigning value to a subject’s responses, categorical scale; interval scale; ordinal scale; ratio scale. The removal of calculus from the teeth.
Sonic scaler
An instrument vibrating in the sonic range (approximately 6000 cps) that, accompanied by a stream of water, can be used to remove adherent deposits from teeth.
Instrument for removing calculus or other deposits from the surface of teeth or oral implants. A surgical instrument for scaling teeth. An instrument for removing calculus from the teeth, either by hand scraping or by employing rapid ultrasonic vibrations. A dental instrument used to remove calculus from teeth.
Scaffold tissue engineering
Appropriate three‐dimensional material with pores and an interconnected pore network with proper surface for attachment, proliferation, and differentiation. It has matching mechanical properties and is bioresorbable with controllable degradation.
A three‐dimensional biocompatible construct (may be seeded with cells) that serves as a framework on which tissue can grow. It may or may not be biodegradable.
Part of surgical treatment for osteomyelitis in which an essentially closed cavity is opened to the surface by excavation, converting the cavity into a saucer‐like defect. An operation in which tissue is cut away from a wound to form a saucerlike depression. It is carried out to facilitate healing and is commonly used to treat…
Sanitary pontic
A trade name originally designed as a manufactured convex blank with a slotted back. The name was used occasionally as a synonym for a hygienic pontic, wherein the pontic does not contact the residual ridge.
Act of modifying or roughening the surface of an implant body by propelling silica sand onto the surface at high velocity under high pressure.