Category: S
Unsafe quantities of pathogenic microorganisms or their products in blood or tissues. A condition in which the body is fighting a severe infection that has spread via the bloodstream. The presence of bacteria in the bloodstream. Also known as systemic inflammatory response syndrome, this life-threatening condition (“septic shock”) occurs when the body’s immune system over-responds…
Separating medium
A coating used to keep one surface from adhering to a second surface. A material applied on an impression that aids removal of the cast once it has set (hardened). In dentistry, a substance applied to the surface of an impression or mold to prevent interaction of the materials and to facilitate their separation after…
Sensory mapping
The process of evaluation and delineation of a cutaneous, mucous, or gingival area presumably affected by an altered sensation or dysesthesia.
Sensory function evaluation
Clinical evaluation that tests sensory function.
Statistical sensitivity
The ability of a diagnostic test to detect a disease, when present, in a diseased population. Sensitivity = true positives divided by the sum of true positives plus false negatives, or TP/(FN + TP).
A state of abnormal responsiveness to stimulation. In epidemiology, related to tests of validity. The percent of all cases that are identified correctly, specificity. A measure of the ability of a diagnostic or screening test, or other predictor to correctly identify the positive (or sick) people, the proportion of true positive cases (sick people) correctly…
Semi‐precious metal alloy
An alloy made of both base and precious metals. No specified ratio of components distinguishes one group of semi‐precious alloys from another.
Semi‐adjustable articulator
An articulator that allows adjustments to replicate typical mandibular movements.
Ability of certain implant profile designs to cut their own threads into the osteotomy walls at the time of implant placement. A self‐tapping implant may be screwed into the osteotomy without first having to pretap the thread grooves.
Self‐separating plaster
An obsolete term for an impression plaster that disintegrates in hot water.