Category: S
Any substance or agent that promotes the secretion and flow of saliva. Substance that stimulates the flow of saliva. A substance which increases ‘the production of saliva. An agent increasing the flow of saliva. A substance that triggers the production of saliva.
Inflammation of the salivary gland, which is a symptom of an infection, often caused by bacteria, that develops in the gland as the result of an obstruction of the duct, or tube, that carries saliva from the gland into the mouth. The obstruction may be due to salivary glands stones in the duct or to…
Shoulder finish line
A finish line design for tooth preparation in which the gingival floor meets the external axial surfaces at approximately a right angle.
Shim stock
A thin strip (8–12 μm) of polyester film used to mark or confirm the point(s) of contact on natural teeth, artificial teeth, or a restoration. It is used to facilitate occlusal and proximal contact adjustment.
Shellac base
A record base constructed using a shellac‐based wafer that has been adapted to the cast with heat.
Shell crown
An artificial full‐veneer crown swaged from metal plate. An artificial crown that is adapted like a shell or cap over the remaining clinical crown of a tooth; the space between the crown and the shell is filled with cement. Called also cap crown.
Shelf, buccal
Cortical bony surface of the mandible extending from the alveolar ridge to the external oblique line in the vestibular region.
Shear stress
Stress caused by a load (two forces applied toward one another but not in the same straight line) that tends to slide one portion of object over another.
Sharpey connective tissue fibers
Terminal portions of principal fibers that insert into the cementum of a tooth. These collagenous fibers pass from the periosteum and are embedded in the outer circumferential and interstitial lamellae of bone. Called also bone fibers.
The color selected for a coronal or gingival portion of a dental prosthesis (crown, bridge, or implant restoration).