Category: S
Socioeconomic factors
Issues included when describing the relationship between financial activity and social life.
SNA angle
Acronym for sella‐nasion‐a point; in analysis of a cephalometric radiograph, an angle that indicates the relationship of the maxillary basal arch to the anterior cranial base. It denotes whether the maxilla is in a normal, prognathic, or retrognathic position.
Smile line
Imaginary line following the contour of the upper lip in the act of smiling. The contour of the lower lip generally parallels the curvature of the incisal edges of the maxillary anterior teeth. In arranging maxillary artificial teeth, the incisal‐occlusal plane parallels the smile line to project a pleasing appearance.
Expression of the face in which the lip commissures are elevated to connote pleasure, approval, or joy. A facial expression that may represent pleasure, amusement, derision, or scorn. The corners of the mouth are turned up in expressions of pleasure or amusement, and the eyes usually appear to be warm and friendly.
A thin daub of blood, pus, or extraneous matter on a glass slide stained and mounted for study under the microscope. Thin film of tissue spread on a slide for microscopic examination. A thin layer of tissue or fluid spread on a glass slide for microscopic examination. A small amount of body tissue or fluid…
SM (abbrev)
Subtractive manufacturing.
SLS (abbrev)
Selective laser sintering.
Necrotic tissue in the process of separating from viable portions of the body. To separate from the living tissue. Dead tissue, especially dead skin, which has separated from healthy tissue. Separation of dead matter or tissue from normal or living tissue. Often used in reference to the skin, where dead tissue sloughs off a wound…
Sleeper implant
Nonfunctioning endosseous implant retained in bone and covered by mucosa for subsequent exposure and/or use or bone conservation.
SLA (abbrev)
Sandblasted, large‐grit, acidetched; stereolithography.