Category: S

  • Stage two surgery

    Following stage one surgery, the uncovering or reopening of an implant site at a later date by a small gingival excision or tissue punch to remove the healing screw and replace it with an abutment.  

  • Stage one surgery (syn)

    First‐stage surgery. A surgical procedure that consists of placing an endosseous dental implant in bone and suturing the soft tissues over the implant, thereby submerging the implant for healing.  

  • Staged protocol

    A treatment sequence where one procedure is performed, followed by another at a later time.  

  • Stack

    Vertically aligned and assembled combination of a prosthetic restoration, abutment, and implant. To place objects directly on top of others.  

  • Stabilize

    To make firm, steadfast, stable. To hold steady, as to maintain the stability of any object by means of a stabilizer.  

  • Stabilization

    The seating of a fixed or removable denture so that it will not tilt or be displaced under pressure. The creation of a stable state. The act of making something, such as a body structure, chemical reaction, mood state, or disease process less variable, mobile, or volatile or more rigid. A series of protocols aimed…

  • Stability

    Property of a material, implant, prosthesis, or dental restoration to maintain an intended physical position or state when subjected to forces disturbing its equilibrium, e.g., resistance to displacement of a prosthesis or restoration in the horizontal plane.  

  • SSS (abbrev)

    Silent sinus syndrome.  

  • Square impression coping

    Impression coping designed as a square when viewed in cross‐section. The height varies as does the manufacturer’s design; it may include indentations (i.e., concavities or convexities) along the length of the square.  

  • SPT (abbrev)

    Supportive periodontal therapy.