Category: S
A collection of numerical facts pertaining to a subject; the science that deals with collection, organization, and analysis of such facts. An estimate of a parameter, based on a given sample. A sample average is a statistic as is a sample standard deviation or range. A value based on a sample of a population from…
Static loading
Situation where a dental implant is subject to a force which is constant in magnitude and direction (e.g., during its use for orthodontic anchorage).
Staphylococcus epidermidis
Aerobic bacteria characterized as being gram‐positive, nonmotile, and spherical in nature; frequently found in the supragingival plaque; they can cause infection in compromised hosts A coagulase-negative species that is part of the normal flora of the skin. It may colonize, form biofilms on, and infect prosthetic devices and indwelling catheters.
Staphylococcus aureus
Aerobic bacteria characterized as being gram‐positive and nonmotile that present as cocci, chains, clusters, or pairs; frequently found in the nares, gingiva, and sputum; appear as a white, pink, or red area on the skin. A disease-producing bacterium that can contaminate food. A species that is coagulase positive, often part of resident flora of the…
Standard of care
The level of care that reasonably prudent healthcare providers in the same or a similar locality would provide under similar circumstances. The degree of care a reasonable person would take to prevent an injury to another. The principles and practices which have been accepted by a health care profession as expected to be applied for…
Standard tessellation language (STL)
File format native to the stereolithography CAD software created by 3D Systems. This format is supported by many other software packages and is widely used for rapid prototyping and computer‐aided manufacturing. An STL file describes only the surface geometry of a 3D object without any representation of color, texture, or other common CAD model attributes.…
Standard error (SE)
Measure of the dispersion of the possible differences between samples of two populations, usually the difference between the means of the samples. A measure of variation of a population of means. The extent to which the means of several different samples would vary if they were taken repeatedly from the same population. Differences between means…
Standard deviation (SD)
Measure of the dispersion or variability of a set of values. Defined mathematically, it is the square root of the variance of these observations. By definition, approximately 68% of the values in the normal distribution (or bell‐shaped curve) fall within 1 SD on either side of the mean. If the SD exceeds one half the…
Standard abutment
Machined titanium, cylindrical abutment used to support a screwretained prosthesis.
Staggered offset
Positioning of multiple implants (minimum of three) such that the implant bodies are not in a linear relationship; the purpose is to increase the mechanical stability of the resulting assembly.