Category: S
Subtraction radiography
Manipulation of a radiograph photographically or digitally where background images are eliminated to highlight areas for comparison.
Subtracted implant surface
Implant surface created through removal of material by exposure to acid, abrasives, or electrolysis. Subtractive process generally creates roughness intended to enhance cell proliferation and osseointegration.
Duration of time a chemical is in contact with a particular substrate; protracted release of a chemical. Related to clearance of a chemical. The ability of tissue to absorb an active ingredient and release it slowly over a period of time.
Subperiosteal fracture
A bony fracture occurring beneath the periosteum, without displacement.
Subperiosteal dental implant superstructure
Dental prosthesis metal framework that is supra‐gingival in location and provides support for artificial teeth and/or denture base material that fits onto the subperiosteal implant abutments.
Subperiosteal dental implant substructure
The component of a subperiosteal implant located beneath the periosteum that provides support for a dental prosthesis via abutments that protrude through the oral mucosa. Also known as the implant body.
Subperiosteal dental implant abutment
That portion of the implant that protrudes through the mucosa into the oral cavity for the retention or support of a crown or a fixed removable denture.
Subperiosteal dental implant
A type of dental implant placed beneath the periosteum that rests on the surface of the bone with abutments that protrude through the oral mucosa and are used to support a dental prosthesis.
Subocclusal surface
An obsolete term for a segment of a tooth’s occlusal surface that is beneath the level of the occluding portion of the tooth.
Subocclusal connector
A nonrigid interproximal connector placed apical to and not in alignment with the occlusal plane.