Category: S
A group of signs and symptoms of disordered function related to one another by means of some anatomical, physiological or biochemical peculiarity. Does not include a precise cause of illness but provides a framework for investigation and management. A group of features found together. A configuration of symptoms that occur together and constitute a recognizable…
Any characteristic of a disease or medical condition that is subjectively perceived. A specific manifestation of a patient’s condition indicative of an abnormal physical or mental state; a subjective perception of illness. Perceived changes in, or impaired function of body or mind indicating the presence of disease or injury. A measurable indication that the body…
Symphysis (pl. symphyses)
A type of cartilaginous joint that connects opposing bony surfaces with a plate of fibrocartilage. The immovable dense bony connection between the right and left halves of the adult mandible at the midline.
Any tool used for shaping metal by striking with a hammer or sledgehammer. Or to shape a material by hammering or adapting it onto a die with a swage instrument. To shape metal, especially around something in order to make a close fit.
The process of uniting the tissues separated by either a traumatic or a surgical wound in a specific manner using an appropriate material. The closing of a wound, whether from surgery or an accident, with a surgical needle and thread. The type selected for a given procedure depends on the nature and placement of the…
The material (synthetic or natural, resorbable or nonresorbable) used in closing a surgical or traumatic wound. The act or process of uniting the tissues at a surgical or traumatic wound site using suture material. The line of a junction or seam of union, commonly used of the line of opening of a carpel; dorsal suture…
Survival rate
Percentage or estimated percentage of subjects in which a given censored event (e.g., implant failure, prosthesis failure) has not occurred during a time period measured from a given starting point. It is usually used to describe the percentage of implants that remain in the mouth over a specified period of time. Refers to the percentage…
Surgical template
A guide conforming to the tissue surface and used for surgically shaping the alveolar process. A guide for the surgical placement of implants in the correct position and angulation in the alveolar bone. A guide for establishing proper occlusion during orthognathic surgery.
Surgical stent
Named for the dentist who first described their use, Charles R. Stent. Such ancillary prostheses are used to apply pressure to soft tissues to facilitate healing and prevent cicatrization or collapse. Syn. Columellar stent, periodontal stent, skin graft stent.
Surgical splint
An ancillary appliance used to maintain tissues in a new position after surgery. It is commonly used to reset normal occlusal relations during a period of immobilization. The appliance is frequently designed to make use of existing teeth and/or alveolar processes as points of anchorage to help stabilize broken bones during the healing phase. Often…