Category: S

  • Scrambler

    Plant growing upwards supporting itself on other vegetation or on objects but not twining or attaching itself.  

  • Scorpioid


    A one-sided cymose inflorescence, coiled so as to resemble a scorpion’s tail; A two-sided cymose inflorescence, coiled so as to resemble a scorpion’s tail, with single flowers alternating right and left; A zig-zag inflorescence with branches developed alternately on opposite sides of the rachis. Circinate at the end (as the unilateral racemes). Cymose and one-sided,…

  • Scopiform

    Shaped like a broom, with several closely set upward-pointing stems.  

  • Scobina

    (In some grasses) the rachilla of the spikelet when it has a flexuous, toothed appearance [unusual term, not recommended].  

  • Scobiform

    Resembling sawdust.  

  • Sclerotic

    Hardened, stony in texture. Pertaining to the outer coat of the eye; the sclera; hard, indurated or sclerosed. Referring to sclerosis, or having sclerosis. Firm or hardened, impacted by sclerosis. Associated with or derived from ergot.  

  • Sclerophyllous

    (Of taxa or vegetation) with small leathery leaves with thick cuticles; usually an adaptation to dry conditions or low water availability.  

  • Sclerophyll

    Tough leathery leaf; Plant with such leaves, adapted to areas with low water availability.  

  • Scleromorph

    Plant with leaves that are hard and usually thick and fibrous.  

  • Sclerified

    (Of organs) having become fibrous, i.e. having developed sclereids.