Category: S
Seed coat
The outer coat of the seed, usually split into two layers: testa and tegmen. Outside coating of a seed.
The structure produced from a fertilised ovule by which all seed plants reproduce, consisting of an embryo and usually a seed-coat, with endosperm; reproductive part of a fruit; the integumented megasporangium. A stock of a fertilized ovule, consisting of an integument, an enclosed nucellus, the remains of the megagametophyte, the endosperm and the embryo. The…
(Of, for example, leaves on a stem) all directed to the same side.
Sickle-shaped, narrow and strongly curved with a sharp apex.
Infrageneric taxonomic rank, used for major divisions of a genus. A part of something. The action of cutting tissue. A cut made in tissue. A slice of tissue cut for examination under a microscope. A part of a document such as an Act of Parliament. The act of cutting (the cut or division made is…
(In an orchid flower) the condition in which soft, granular pollinia are subdivided into small packets, these usually connected by elastic material (Dressler, 1993).
Plant fluid (or substance therein) excreted by glands or glandular cells. The process of elaborating a specific product as a result of the activity of a gland; this activity may range from separating a specific substance of the blood to the elaboration of a new chemical substance. Any substance produced by secretion. The process by…
Producing or excreting by glands or glandular cells.
Secondary peduncle
Used by some to indicate the first-order branches of an inflorescence [not recommended].
Not primary, subordinate; (Vegetation) type following disturbance or destruction of original (primary) vegetation. Occurring after the first stage. Less important than something else. Referring to a condition which develops from another condition. This term is used to describe a condition or ailment that stems from or develops after an initial disease (known as the primary…