Category: S
Social drinking
The use of alcohol in ways that are socially acceptable and that enhances interpersonal interactions.
Social drinker
A person who uses alcohol for the purpose of enhancing the quality of his or her social interactions, social drinking.
Social distancing
A concept that demonstrates how each person has varying levels of intimacy with others.
Social diagnosis
The assessment of social problems, such as economics, work, unemployment, criminal behavior, etc., measured in both objective and subjective terms.
Social deviance
Extreme and persistent behavior that is offensive or harmful to others.
Social desirability response set
The tendency to respond to questionnaire items in ways that are socially acceptable, social desirability.
Social desirability effect
Social desirability.
Social desirability
In the completion of personality inventories, the tendency of the subject to give the responses he or she considers to be the socially acceptable answer, social desirability effect; social desirability response set.
Social control
In sociology, the process or means whereby a social system enforces its norms.
Social consciousness
Awareness of civic and social issues and the willingness to act for social improvement. The awareness of an individual of the needs of society and of the impact of events on society. It is contrasted with what might be called “personal consciousness,” an awareness of the needs of the individual and the relationship of events…