Category: S

  • Social phobia

    The irrational fear of interaction with others. Social phobia is a class of anxiety disorder characterized by a persistent fear of situations in which the person is exposed to possible scrutiny by others. The individual fears that he or she may act in a way that will be humiliating and embarrassing. The key feature of…

  • Social pathology

    Abnormal patterns of social organization, attitudes, or behavior.  

  • Social needs

    Maslow’s third set of human needs, including a desire to belong and the desire for friendship, companionship, and love.  

  • Social mobility

    The movement of a person from one social class to another.  

  • Socially approved drug use

    The collectively viewed appropriateness of certain drug use based upon the drug’s legality, how the drug was obtained, the purpose for the drug’s use, and the type of person using the drug.  

  • Social lubricant

    Any product that, when taken internally, enhances the quality of social relationships, social drinking.  

  • Social loafing

    One who fails to contribute to a group but benefits from the contribution of others.  

  • Socializing agent

    Any person or institution that shapes a person’s values and behavior.  

  • Socialized subcultural deliquency

    The adoption of values or behaviors by a subculture that is considered deviant by the society as a whole.  

  • Socialized medicine

    A health policy and program for the people or certain segments of the population directed, authorized, and administered by the government. A medical care system where the organization and provision of medical care services are under direct government control, and providers are employed by or contract for the provision of services directly with the government;…