Category: S
Social role
The particular place or function of a person within a group.
Social responsibility norm
A generally accepted norm that persons should be generous to or help others, by which children may judge others regardless of whether they behave according to the norm themselves.
Social representation
The body of shared beliefs constituting the truths of a given culture or social group.
Social referencing
The use of emotional expressions of others to resolve the meaning of ambiguous situations.
Social psychology
A discipline devoted to the scientific study of human interactions and its psychological bases. The branch of psychology concerned with the study of groups and their influence on the individual’s actions and mental processes.
Social process
The form or characteristics that interaction takes, interaction being a master process.
Social problem
A situation that a significant number of people believe to be a problem, consisting of objective as well as subjective components.
Social pressure
The desire to go along with or rebel against others.
Social preference
In studies of social status, the degree to which children prefer to be with a given child or not.
Social planning
Approaches used to create change at the community level emphasizes the solution to substantive social problems, e.g., poverty, unemployment, and disease.