Category: S

  • Span of attention

    The number of items a person can comprehend in a single glance.  

  • Spanish fly

    A drug widely purported to be an aphrodisiac that is derived from the beetle Cantharis vesicatoria. When ingested, the substance causes inflammation of the genitourinary tract and possibly erection in males. Excessive doses may cause violent illness and death. The blister beetle, Cantharis vesicatoria source of the irritant and toxic chemical compound cantharidin. A popular…

  • Spaced practice

    Practice with relatively long pauses between trials, massed practice.  

  • Sovereign immunity

    Above all else, in that an organization or individual cannot be held liable for wrongdoing.  

  • Sour grapes mechanism

    A form of rationalization in which the person denies the pain of frustration by concluding that what he or she wanted is not worth having.  

  • Source trait

    A basic trait of personality reflected in a variety of more superficial surface traits.  

  • Source of message

    The place from which communications originate. It may originate from the physical environment, learning resources, the teacher, or the individual’s though processes. It is a component of information theory.  

  • Source/encoder

    That person involved in interpersonal communication who originates and encodes information that is to be shared with others.  

  • Source

    The object, person, or substance form which an infectious agent passes to a host. The initiator of an epidemic disease, e.g., the patient who spreads an illness to others, or the location from which an epidemic spreads (e.g., a “food source,” a “source of contaminated water”).  

  • Sound waves

    Successive pressure variations in the air that vary in amplitude and wave length. A vibration of a vibrating medium that, on stimulating sensory receptors of the cochlea, is capable of giving rise to a sensation of sound. In dry air, the velocity is 1087 ft (331.6 m)/sec at 0° C; it is approx. four times…