Category: S
The cell that undergoes two meiotic divisions to form four spermatids. An early stage in the development of a spermatozoon. A cell produced as an intermediate stage in the formation of spermatozoa. Spermatocytes develop from spermatogonia in the walls of the seminiferous tubules of the testis; they are known as either primary or secondary spermatocytes…
A soft swelling on either side of the scrotum, the result of an intrascrotal cyst. A cyst which forms in the scrotum. A sperm-filled swelling in the epididymis, the sperm “holding area” behind the testes. If the spermatocele grows large and painful, surgery may be indicated, though the result may be infertility on the side…
The four cells formed by the meiotic divisions in spermatogenesis become mature spermatozoa. An immature male sex cell that develops into a spermatozoon. Immature sperm, produced by the testes, before they come to maturity in the epidydymis. A small cell produced as an intermediate stage in the formation of spermatozoa. Spermatids become embedded in Sertoli…
Spermatic cord
The cord extending from the abdomen to the testis and comprising the vas deferens, testicular artery, and nerves. A cord running from the testis to the abdomen carrying the vas deferens, the blood vessels, nerves and lymphatics of the testis. Cord containing arteries, veins, nerves, and lymphatics and extending from the lower abdomen to the…
Speed runs
Refers to prolonged use of methamphetamine, usually injected, followed by long periods of what is called a “crash.”
Speech disorders
Speech behavior that is sufficiently abnormal to attract attention, interfere with communication, or to interfere with the communication for either the speaker or the listener. Difficulty in actually producing the sounds of the language, often from malfunction in the brain or inability to properly control the muscles needed to produce the sounds. A group of…
The audible production of language. The ability to make intelligible sounds with the vocal cords. A talk given to an audience. Oral communication. Speech is one of the most important ways in which people relate to their environment. Speech disorders in children may be the result of problems such as mental retardation, cerebral palsy, hearing…
A tubular instrument used to look into an opening of the body, such as the nose or ear. A surgical instrument which is inserted into an opening in the body such as a nostril or the vagina to keep it open in order to allow a doctor to examine the inside. Instrument inserted into and…
Spectator role
As described by Masters and Johnson, a pattern of behavior in which the individual’s own performance inhibits his or her own sexual response.
In sexology, a psychological process wherein a person becomes a spectator to his or her own sexual performance, characterized by monitoring and evaluating the performance. Paying excessive attention to oneself; excessive self-monitoring or self-absorption. It is a psychological characteristic of some individuals with social anxiety and/or sexual dysfunction.