Category: S
Split brain
A condition in which the corpus callosum and some other fibers are cut so that the two cerebral hemispheres are isolated.
The surgical removal of the spleen. A surgical operation to remove the spleen. Surgical removal of the spleen when it has ruptured due to trauma. The surgical removal of the spleen. A splenectomy is performed in patients whose spleen has been injured in an accident, when a person has leukemia, lymphoma, or other diseases that…
Pertaining to the viscera. To the internal organs. Anything belonging to the internal organs of the body, as distinguished from its framework.
Spiritual well-being
The possession of an inner strength or energy that includes aspirations, ideals, and the motivation to direct everyday life activities.
A spiral- or corkscrew-shaped bacterium. One of the bacteria which cause rat-bite fever. Genus within the family Spirillaceae, rigid spiral cells, actively motile by tufts of polar or bipolar flagella. Most species are cultivable saprophytes of soil and water, only Spirillum minus being pathogenic. A genus of highly motile rigid spiral-shaped bacteria usually found in…
One of the three classes of bacteria spirillum, bacilli; cocci. Spiral or corkscrew-shaped bacteria that cause diseases such as syphilis and Lyme disease.
A stage in mitosis at which the chromatin material of the nucleus appears in the form of a skein of filaments.
Spiral fracture
A fracture in which the line of break runs obliquely up one side of the bone. This fracture occurs when a bone is broken because of a twisting force. A fracture that follows a helical line along and around the course of a long bone.
A group of phospholipids found in the brain, spinal cord, and kidney. On hydrolysis, yields phosphoric acid, choline, sphingosine, and a fatty acid.
A wooden or metal device primarily used for extraction and transportation of victims with actual or suspected spinal injuries. May also serve as a litter and can be used to raise or lower victims or to provide rigid support during cardiac compression.